Aromatherapy For Asthma


   Asthma is classified into two types but both types have the common physical denominator of bronchial tube constriction resulting in loss of breath and difficulty in breathing.   Essential oils,  such as bergamot  capable of producing relaxation,  and bronchodilatation are indicated in many formulations. 

  The bronchodilator will be an oil that can act on the nerve endings surrounding the bronchial tubes in the lung.  The mechanism is to have the oil interact with the beta-2 receptors.


The following are two examples of formulations which may be utilized for asthma sufferers, one in adulthood and the other in young infants, both very effective in this condition.  Also the Lavender Aromatherapy Body Patch may be used. 


   For an adult with a chronic asthmatic condition a blend of 5 drops of essential oil of Ravensara aromatica (Ravensara), 5 drops of essential oil of Thymus vulgaris chemotype linalol (Thyme linalol), 5 drops of essential oil of Myrtus vulgaris (Honey Myrtle), 5 drops of essential oil of Anthemis nobile (Roman Chamomile) in 30 ml of a carrier made up with 10 ml of infused oil of Echinacea purpurea and 15 ml of cold pressed peach kernel oil. Apply this formulation in massage to the neck and thorax twice daily, morning and night, this will boost the immune system, clear the infection if present and help with expectoration and bronchodilatation.

  The oils used for infants are Ravensara aromatica (Ravensara) and Anthemis nobile (Roman Chamomile), however no dosages are given here, as the treatment of infants should always be done by a qualified aromatherapist in cooperation with the consultant paediatrician. These oils will help in both asthma and in bronchiolitis of the infant.

  It is also a very good prophylactic measure to diffuse essential oils in the house during the winter months to humidify the environment and provide relief from impending winter colds which may worsen an asthmatic condition.  It is a very good practice to use oils that have antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral properties to stop any sicknesses by creation of a hostile environment for our everyday germs.

Positive Health Magazine has a full article describing Asthma treatments including the use of interferential treatments for asthma.


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