Diagnostic  Indications for the Use Of Interferential Therapy

    Interferential therapy has been around for more than 50 years,  being used historically for many different pathologies.  Many of the past uses were administered by licensed medical personnel and the most novel approaches to new disease pathologies were often done in Europe.  The physiotherapy profession in Europe was instrumental in finding ways interferential could be used for existing illnesses.

    Some of the applications are:

1.  Treatment of circulatory disorders

2.  Edema reduction

3.  Constipation

4.  Urinary incontinency

5.  Wound healing

6.  Healing broken bones ( non-union fractures)

7.  Stopping muscle spasms

8.  Chronic as well as acute pain 

9.  Asthma

10.  Increased blood flow

11.  Multiple Sclerosis

12. Peripheral Neuropathy

    Other new, novel treatments will be discovered now that a truly portable, interferential home device is available that can duplicate cinical results and provide patients with the opportunity for multiple at home treatments.   Prior to now the treatments were generally done in a clinic with the patient arriving for each treatment.  This method of treatment was dependent upon the patient and his or her compliance with clinic scheduling etc.  More uses of interferential will soon be discovered as more patients can treat at home frequently and for longer treatment times.  Watch the Infrex Video for more information.

      Interferential stimulation has been used extensively for managing post-surgical, post-traumatic acute pain, edema and inflammation reduction. It has been used successfully for a wide variety of procedures such as:

General Surgery:
- Hernia Repair
- Gall Bladder

Neurosurgery / Orthopedic
- Low Back Surgery
- Hip/Joint Repair
- ACL Repair
- Carpal Tunnel

Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Gynecological
- Laparotomy
- Cesarean Section

- Hip Replacement
- Arthrotomy
- Fractures
- Sports Injuries
- Joint Mobilization

- Hammer Toes
- Bunionectomy
- Tarsal Tunnel

- Thoracotomy

- Nephrectomy
- Prostatectomy
- Penile Implants

    Call us to discuss your specific situation or to request a Free Trial of the Infrex Plus unit to see if your chronic pain can be stopped.  1-800-937-3993

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