Cancer Prevention Foods & Supplements

   This nutrition article is a list of foods and supplements to prevent or treat cancer.   Better to prevent than treat, so here are some healthy foods that appear to be non carcinogenic.   General prevenitive dietary advice is found in this previous cancer diet article. 




Foods to eat are:

1. Foods with unsaturated fats such as legumes (beans for us here in the South!!) , broccoli.  Increase fibrous foods such as wheats, steel cut oatmeal, garbanzo beans. 

2. Seafood such as Tuna, sardines that are high in Omega 3 and 6, 

3. Extra virgin olive oil ( EVOO) and peanut oils for cooking.  Use vegetable and nut oils for salad dressings rather than commercial packaged products.

4. Fruits such as prunes for higher fiber intake.  If possible use juicing if using all the plant in the process, not solely the extracted juice of the fruit.   Many strong anti-carcinogenic compounds are found in the fruit coverings. 

5. Use almond, or coconut milk type products.  Soy mile is often recommended but if any signs of digestive disorder the almond and coconut is generally more sensitive to the digestive tract.

6. Supplement daily diet with vitamins C, E and calcium.  These supplements are especially benefical in preventing intestional type cancers, so if a history of such in the family, then begin supplement therapy after consulting a good nutritionist.

7. Eat garlic and other root vegetables such as onions.  Many virtues of eating fresh garlic. See this garlic video


Foods to avoid or lessen consumption of:

1.   Red meat.  Often red meat per se is not the causation as much as the cooking process.  The process of charring meat on a grill may be the bigger culprit of creation of a carcinogen.  The carcinogen is not the meat but the burnt aspects of the meat.  Good rule of thumb is to always add fresh chopped sprigs of rosemary leaves to meat during and after cooking.  The rosemary may counteract the carcinogenic processes of searing meat. 

2. Drink less beer as a general rule, however the consumption of red wine for lunch and nighttime meals may be very beneficial.  Limit wine to no more than 2-3 each, 4 oz. glasses per meal.  See article here on wine.

3. Stop eating sugar.  Period should be emphasized.  Best to just stop and to replace the sugary taste and our body demand substitute in dried leaves of stevia

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