Sciatica Nutritional Supplements

      Sciatica pain is often a recurring cycle of inflammation, often due to unnatural pressure on the sciatic nerve.   Constant interrupted pressure does not allow the sciatic nerve to heal as the inflammatory processes cause swelling.   Relief for the sciatica patient comes when the patient relieves pressure off the nerve such as lying down, sitting and by stopping walking.   Many sciatic nerve pains are exacerbated by standing,  as the shift in posture puts undue pressure on a portion of the sciatic nerve which then radiates from the inflammed point of pressure to the spinal cord which then sends the pain signal to the brain for interpretation.

      Nutritional supplements which eliminate, reduce, lessen the occurrences and duration of the inflammatory process also help relieve sciatic nerve pain.   Below is a list of sciatica nutritional supplements one should consider consuming while treating sciatic nerve pain.   These are guidelines for consideration and are not all inclusive but intended to explain what to eat and why.   There are other non inflammatory foods, vitamins, herbs and supplements that also may help.  

      Remember any "dosages" cited are relative to the size of the person, age, and subject to interacting with other supplements or medicines.   Your physician should be able to help establish efficacious dosage.  If one does not have a participating physician then generally it's best to begin with smaller doses and work toward higher dosages to avoid reactions.   Often overall blood levels are necessary for effective relief which means may take several days to reach a sufficient blood saturation level.

    1.  Bromelain - Enzyme found naturally in pineapple : 1,000 mgm 4 x per day in conjunction with 400 mgm of Quercetin (compound used for antiinflammation).  Quercetin works in combination with Bromelain for better absorption.  

    2.  1 Tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily.   Flaxseed oil tends to decrease the overall consumption of LDL cholesterol, which often is a source of creating inflammation.   Much study is still needed on the overall effects of this oil but as of now the research seems to indicate more positive health benefits than negative.

    3.  Add Turmeric nutritional supplements to your diet. This spice contains a compound called curcumin, which is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory drugs found in nature. For acute sciatic nerve pain, take 250 to 500 milligrams three times a day. 

        The way to actually achieve the best results is simply to add turmeric to your daily diet.  As an example when one  is cooking simply add a teaspoon to the salad dressing , or sprinkle over meats, vegetables or other food items.   Turmeric is mildly flavored but brightly colored to enhance the overall appearance of the dish being served.   I add it often to sauces, put in the baked yams, and drizzle over fresh baked bread.

Caution: You must not take turmeric nutritional supplements ( supplements are often more concentrated than the actual spice)  if you are pregnant, or suffer from ulcers, gallstones or acid reflux.

   4.  Omega 3 & 6 - Omega is found in fish and is recognized as an antiinflammatory agent.  Our body can not produce Omega 3 and 6 as it can with Omega 9 so daily additions are necessary to stop, slow down the inflammatory processes. Many people take fish oil supplements twice daily with food.   Generally speaking fish from colder waters tend to have a higher % of omega 3 and 6.

   5.   Vitamin D - 600 - 3,000 IUs total daily intake.  Varying range depends on age, condition and sun exposure.  Some studies indicate patients who suffering from chronic pain conditions need up to 3,000 IUs daily whereas a non pain patient (over 9 years old) only needs approximately 600 IUs daily.   The practical solution here for the sciatica patient is to get outside in the sun at least 10 minutes per day.   When one is exposed to the sun the body will produce Vit. D.  



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