Electrode Care   Elizabeth Johnson, P.T., staff physical therapist of MedFaxx , shows in this video how to prolong the use of  tens electrodes and reduce costs by using proper electrode care.   Learn how to eliminate the out of pocket costs

you incur buying tens electrodes and supplies using our monthly Standing Order Program that delivers your supplies to your doorstep at little or no out of pocket cost.  This informative video introduces the patient to the monthly shipment of electrode kits which can include not only supplies for the Infrex unit but also supplies most chronic pain patients need such as sleep aids including the Naturopatch lavender patch, as well as topical pain relieving products such as Tiger Balm, BioFreeze, Arnica gel, Sombra, orthogel,  and Flexall.   Other products that are necessary for patients with sensitive skin such as Vitamin E lotion, aloe vera gel can also be included in the electrode kits.  This is a very informative video on not only electrode care but also on saving money for the patient so no out of pocket costs are incurred.


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