Physicists try to understand the differences, if any, between matter vis a vis electrons and waves of energy.   One of the basic principles of interferential therapy or cross currents administered in the body is we don't know what is really going on.   This excellent video explains the difficulties quantum physicists have understanding this concept outside the body in the "real world".   Reactions of flowing electrons in these experiments should be predictable, however as you will see they are not.  The mere power of observation changes the spatial patterns of electron particles and/or waves.  

    As you watch this video remember the two areas we can understand are the starting points and the landing points but it's the middle of those two points that baffle us.   Also keep in mind that we technically do not know where electrons are as they circumnavigate the nucleus of an atom.   We are about 90% certain of an area they should be in but we don't know where is the present understanding we have of electron flow patterns.   


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