Sometimes standard electrodes just won't fit where you want them to go.

That's where creative electrode usage comes in handy.

There is no law that says you have to use 2 electrodes of the exact same size. Many people out of habit just use 2 electrodes of the same size, because that's the way they have always done it. And also that is the way they come packaged when you buy them.

Start thinking outside the box. You can use a large electrode on one wire and a small one on the other.

This video shows some good examples of creative electrode placement.

Electrode Placement, TENS vs. Interferential

Here is some good examples of creative electrode placement.

  • The Hoku point is commonly used in acupressure. It is found in the web space between the thumb and first finger. It is difficult to put a large electrode here. A small electrode fits there nicely.  So in the case of chronic arm or shoulder pain, you could put a small electrode on Hoku point and a large one up the arm or shoulder.
  • In the case of leg or foot pain. Sometimes the arch of the foot is a good place for an electrode. Typically a smaller electrode works here best. Then you could put a larger one on the calf or up the leg.

Picture shows electrode placement on Hoku point.

Note: DO NOT STIMULATE HOKU POINT DURING PREGNANCY. This point has traditionally been used by some to induce labor.

Sometimes a pair of scissors does the trick. Don't be afraid to cut an electrode to fit just where you want it. Just keep the wire coming into it in tact. Start trimming points furthest away from the wire to start with.


If you have creative electrode placement ideas or challenges, please leave your comments and questions on our blog.

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