There have been relatively few books written dedicated exclusively to Interferential therapy.   The academic textbooks generally devote a chapter or two to interferential but as a stand alone it is extremely difficult to find an authoritative book.

    I was first introduced to interferential in the mid 80's reading the book,

                                               "Interferential Therapy" by Brenda Savage, MSc, MCSP, DipTP - ISBN # 0 571 13202 2; first published in 1984. 

In 2004 I tried to buy the book and could not find it still being published so I went on and Ebay and found 3 old copies of it.   At that time I assumed there had to be another book written since it was the most popular form of clinical electrotherapy so I just assumed more educators, especially physical therapists,  would be writing about one of the most used modalities in the profession.

     My search was fruitless until I found a book published after Brenda Savage's book by Giovanni De Domenico ( Gion )M.Sc., M.C.S.P., Dip T.P., M.A.P.A.

  " New Dimensions in Interferential Therapy.  A Theoretical & Clinical Guide" - ISBN 0 959 3901 1 1 by Reid Medical Books in 1987


       My search for this "new" book was futile and I took a chance that maybe the author was still alive so off to the beautiful internet world of trying to find Dr. De Domenico.  My cyber search took me to his home country of England, I then followed him to Australia and into Southeast Asia before I learned he was teaching in Canada.   I was lucky enough to get an email for him and sent him a request to purchase his book.  I did not hear back from him by email but one day in my office I got a phone call from "Gion" and to my surprise it was Giovanni and he was head of the Physical Therapy program at the Univ. of Texas, San Antonio.  What a treat to talk with him and we immediately hit it off.  I flew to San Antonio to meet him later and discuss the portable interferential/tens project ( Infrex Plus)  I was working on.  Dr. De Domenico had sent me a copy of his book upon our first conversation and told me there were only 20 left in existence so I've treasured mine not only for the information but also as a token of friendship from Gion.  He refused to allow me to pay him for it which is his way.,

    Dr. De Domenico has remained very supportive and knowledgeable since then.  When I met him he was suffering from Mascular Degeneration and since then it has progressively worsened.  Only 2 weeks ago he informed me he had advanced prostrate cancer so at this writing I'm hoping he can beat this dreadful disease and move into retirement doing what he loves most, researching to learn, so he can apply his knowledge to the benefit of humanity.  

Bob Johnson


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