Migraine Aura by Kaleidoscope


   The below article is a reprint from Web M.D., webmd.com,  based upon an online question survey to help migraine headache sufferers separate myth from fact on migraine headaches.  We thought this would be informative and wanted to circulate this to those who suffer migraine attacks.    You will find another article on our web site about "cluster headaches" which also applies to how to use the Infrex Plus interferential for migraine headaches.  

   As with all headaches, whether cluster or migraines, the goal of using interferential therapy is to prevent the occurrence, not treat the occurrence.  Once a migraine has started there are few things one can do to treat the symptoms.  The ideal is to prevent the occurrence of migraines, lessen the frequency, or reduce the duration.  The use of interferential at home as needed stimulating the occipital nerve is to prevent the occurrence of migraine headaches.  





1.  Migraines usually felt only on one side of head


2.  Cheddar cheese tends to bring on migraines


3.  You don’t have to see an “aura” or “flashing lights” to have a migraine.


4. If you're a woman, it's bad news on the headache front. Of all people who get migraines, about three out of four are women. In fact, the only time migraines are more common in guys is when they're young.   Boys are more likely than girls to get migraines -- at least until puberty hits.


5.Migraine headache pain typically starts out as a dull ache. It usually takes an hour or two for pain to build into a full-blown migraine. Sometimes, however, people can feel the beginning pains of an oncoming migraine a day or two before the headache actually starts. 

Other migraine warning symptoms might include sensitivity to light, sound, and smells, as well as mood changes. Because most migraine medicines work best when taken early, it's a good idea to take medicine as soon as you feel migraine symptoms.


6. There are a few reasons your health care provider might prescribe preventive medicine to take every day:

  • You get two or more migraines a month.
  • Your attacks last more than 24 hours.
  • Your headaches disrupt your lifestyle for days at a time.
  • You usually use migraine treatment medicine more than twice a week.
  • The medicine you use to treat migraine attacks doesn't work.

There are various options, so your doctor might try beta-blockers, anti-seizure medicine, antidepressants, or calcium channel blockers.


7. After a migraine, you may feel utterly drained of all your energy. You may feel like you're in a fog and have fatigue. You may even feel nauseated and have muscle tension. 

What you're experiencing is the final phase of the migraine, called the postdrome or "migraine hangover." It can last a day or two past the original migraine pain.


8.  Triggers are different for everyone who gets migraines. Here are some common ones:

  • Strong smells, like perfumes and detergents
  • Hormonal changes (menstruation, pregnancy, and ovulation)
  • Bright or fluorescent lights
  • Stress or fatigue
  • Too much or too little sleep
  • Some medications, such as birth control pills
  • Weather changes
  • Cold triggers like ice cream
  • Certain foods


9.  Most people who get migraines have fewer headaches and their headaches aren't as strong once they hit 40. However, this may not be the case for women going through perimenopause. If hormones are a trigger for a woman's migraines, then she could have more headaches during the period around menopause.


10. Sometimes over-the-counter medicine that helps ease tension headaches can help migraine headaches feel better, too. But it may not work the other way around. The medicine used to treat migraine attacks may not help tension-type headaches for most people.


11. Have migraines? There's a good chance you can blame your family. About four out of five people with migraines have a relative who gets migraines, too. If one of your parents has migraines, you have a 50% chance of getting them. If both parents have migraines, you have a 75% chance.


12.  For some people, a bad night's sleep can set off a migraine attack. Other lifestyle issues that can trigger a migraine include stress and skipping meals. If you know these things can bring on a migraine, work on stress reduction techniques and be sure to eat healthy, stay hydrated, and sleep well.


13. If you get migraines, regular exercise -- like swimming or taking a walk every day -- can help prevent them. Regular aerobic exercise helps control stress, which can trigger migraines in many people. For some people, though, exercise can actually trigger a headache.


14. Research shows that biofeedback -- influencing body functions, like heart rate, using your mind -- and behavioral therapy can help prevent migraines. The herbs butterbur and feverfew may help prevent migraines. And taking riboflavin (vitamin B2) supplements seems to help lower the number of migraines someone has and how painful they are.

Some people also try massage, acupuncture, yoga, tai chi, and relaxation training to try to prevent or relieve migraine pain. Sometimes a combination of medication and alternative therapy may work. Talk with your health care provider about what may be right for you.

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