Image of brain as organ that learns to stop chronic pain when taught with interferential electrical therapy    How To Teach The Brain Using Interferential Therapy For Chronic Pain Suppression



   The constant transmission of the chronic pain impulse to the brain is not only unnatural, but also unnecessary.   The brain is the one organ we have capable of being taught.  The goal of functional restoration in helping the chronic pain patient is to teach that organ, brain, to suppress an unnatural impulse.   The brain can be taught to stop or ignore the debilitating pain message through interferential stimulation of descending nerves and tissues.

    Chronic pain is one of the most costly, unnecessary diagnosis that we continue to lose ground to.   The use of pharmacological drugs for control of the chronicity of the pain impulse is misguided.  If the goal is to control the perception of the pain impulse by deadening or lessening the consciousness of the brain then we are combating a symptom, not a cause.   Our goal should be to teach the brain the message needs to be suppressed, and ignored, unless there is a new cause of a new pain.  Chronic pain continuous messaging is totally wrong.

   In 1987 the late Dr. Giovanni De Domenico explained the phenomenon of how the brain can be taught to alter the chemical processes of chronic pain submission from the pain source to the spinal cord and upward to the brain.  When electrical impulses are introduced to the area that is generating the pain electro/chemical impulses the chemistry is changed and the brain learns to inhibit the messages.   This is done by using 8,000+ pulses of electricity per second in the affected area, triggering the brain to create and transmit new chemical messages into the area.

  The new chemistry is composed of peptides that inhibit the production of pain chemicals that are the source of the pain a patient feels.  A clinician simply places 2 - 4 pads ( electrodes) around the area where the pain is originating from.   The interferential stimulus is adjusted to a level that is pleasant for the patient and is providing pain relief during the treatment.   That stimulus is applied in the clinical setting for approximately 12- 20 minutes.

   It is during this period of interferential stimulation that the electrical charges alter the basic chemistry of pain.  That alteration can be learned by the brain and with regular interferential treatments the brain learns to inhibit chemically and electrically the process of pain stimuli creation. 

   The historical process of coming to a clinic or hospital for treatments has now been altered and is more effective due to the availability of interferential medical devices.  A patient can now be taught how to self administer the interferential therapy with a take home device.  

   Generally the chronic pain patient starts using interferential therapy due to pain, but with the ability to use as needed, the patient intervenes with therapy and teaches the brain to stop the pain message.  Over time the patient learns to prevent the chronic pain messages by using the device.  It is the intervention, prior to the onset of chronic pain, that teaches the brain to stop or ignore the message.

   The use of the Infrex Plus interferential portable device does not interfere with the physical processes of a new pain source, such as touching a hot object, being transmitted.  That signal is the natural and needed impulse, but the chronic constant pain message is not.  The brain is taught to suppress it and natural health and function is restored to patients without the use of mind altering chemicals treating the brain's perception of pain, not the cause of pain. 

   This functional restoration video explains in more detail. 


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