The Functional Restoration Pain Clinics:  Click here for weekly updates of new clinics )   


  All FR clinicians are certified by the  American College of Physical Medicine. 


Pain, Rehab., Full Performance Functioning -


  • First visit is FREE to ascertain if the Restoration treatments are beneficial to you.  You make that call based upon your level of satisfaction.
  • Our clinicians only charge for treating you successfully.  Our goal is to satisfy your health needs to your satisfaction.  
  • General charges for a visit are in the range of $50 - $250 per session.  The charges are set by the individual clinics and each clinic treats the patient based upon what is deemed necessary therefore the fees change based upon the level of service indicated.  
  • Phone Consults and Skype consults are often available at a reduced fee if travel is an issue



Our independent Functional Restorationists own their own clinics and develop special expertise in the application of functional, pain free movement integrating the Infrex electrotherapy modalities.   Many patients are able to use Skype for treatments from the clinicians with interactive communications.   Most conditons can be successfully treated in 5-12 office or Skype visits, and may or may not require home use of the Infrex Plus or other home Infrex devices. 


The Clinicians Utilize Specialized Treatment protocols often developed by Dr. Giovanni De Domenico for:




1. Sports medicine injuries - return faster and stronger 

2. Strapped sprained ankle

3. Ruptured calf muscle

4. Ruptured calf muscle strapping in place

5. Knee medial ligament strengthening

6. Tennis elbows

7. Tennis elbow  - alternative placement where edema, tenderness

8. Thoracic nerve pain injuries

9. Trigeminal nerve ( TMJ) – mandibular branch

10 Trigeminal nerve ( TMJ) – maxillary branch

11.Trigeminal (TMJ)   - ophthalmic branch

12. Osteoarthritis hip (OA)

13. Osteoarthritis hip – lumbar spine

14. Osteoarthritis knee

15.  Osteoarthritis    - alternative pain areas

16. Cervical spondylosis

17. OA – interphalyngeal joints

18. Subdeltoid bursitis

19. Biceps tendinitis

20. Capsulitisglenohumeral joint

21. Supraspinatus tendinitis

22. Lumbago

23. Sciatica

24. Incontinence - urinary and fecal 

25. Asthma

26. OA – temporomandibular joint

27. Urinary stress Incontinency


28. Abdominal Organ Stimulation  

29. Circulation stimulation 

30. Muscle spasm and spasticity 

31. Chronic Edema – 

32. Acute edema reduction 

33. Muscle re-education 

34. Muscle strengthening

35. Vasoactive Intestinal polypeptide ( V.I.P.) – Circulatory improvement 

36. Non union fracture healing

37. Wound healing

38. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

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More protocols are developed by the FR clinics daily as success is found varying treatment techniques and electrical parameters. 

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