Electricity Kills Cancer Tumors


   In the early 1980's, during the onset of the popularity of tens units, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators, it was widely reported that a radiologist in Stockholm,Sweden, Bjorn Nordenstrom, had discovered a way to kill cancer tumors with electricity.   It was reported that by inserting a needle inside a tumor, applying a milliamp negative D.C. current through the needle that one could dissolve the tumor and stop the growth.  This report was and continues to be widely circulated about the efficacy of electrotherapy for treating cancer. 


 What Probably Really Happened

 What is not mentioned is the fact that the needle inserted into the tumor had a silver outer coating.  Silver is a negative ion meaning a strong negative charge can repel the silver ions into surrounding tissues.  Silver has a historical basis as an antibiotic used prior to penicillin and sulfa drugs for killing local and systemic infections caused by bacteria. 

How Silver Was/Is Used

      If a patient had a systemic infection and, was on death's bed,  it was common to have the patient drink silver knowing it could kill the pathogens present in the body.  It was also known there was a 50/50 chance the infection may not kill the patient but the silver would.   With little hope of life the administration of silver was undertaken to stop the infection and save the patient.   Silver was used simply because it was known to kill bacteria.   Today we use it as a topical for skin conditions with a bacterial causation.   The silver ions still kill all sorts of bacteria and other disease causing pathogens. 


What The Silver Did To The Cancer Tumors

   What was determined later as this "study" received publicity was it was probably not the negative charge of the electricity that killed the tumor, but the driving of silver ions into the tumor by the negative polarity that destroyed the tumor and the cancer cells.  The negative continuous direct current was not destroying the cancer cells but the silver ions driven off the needle and deposited in the tumor was the causative agent of death. 

Can Electrical Charges Kill Cancer Cells?

  The answer is a resounding yes however that is not the issue.   The issue is can electricity kill harmful cancer cells without killing beneficial cells.   One concern of the study was it was easy to see how the tumors being stimulated were dying but did the negative charges also kill beneficial cells.   It has been well known that electrical charges can take normal cells and accelerate the growth/repair rate of those cells. 

   That is very important if there is a non-union bone fracture and without mending then amputation is the only option.  Electricity can stimulate the bone tissue to unionize and the process is called functional restoration. 

   With cancer the tumors being destroyed were large however there were many other tumor cells and the concern was would the estim encourage faster growth/replication of the surrounding deadly cells.   That answer to this day is still not known to my knowledge but it did raise the question of killing one group of localized cancer cells while accelerating the growth of other cancer cells.   Remember though the beneficial results are related to "healthy cells" while cancer cells are not known as healthy cells so the results are not necessarily the same.  To regard cancer cells and the normal reproduction of healthy cells in the body is not a fair assumption.  Not an apple to apple comparison. 


Functional Restoration Is The Restorative Process Of Healing

   Functional restoration is the process of restoring the body to it's full function away and apart from destructive cells.  More on this video. 



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