Why Independent Power/Amplitude Control On A Pain Machine Is Important for Chronic Pain Relief 

   Many chronic pain patients experience pain in more than one area. The use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators whether a traditional tens unit (tens), portable interferential unit ( IF) or combination unit ( Infrex), needs to provide the ability to treat on differing amplitudes ( power, intensity) at the two painful areas, independent of each other.

   It's not rare to have a patient who suffers from chronic low back pain (clbp) and sciatica at the same time. The basic premise for effective treatment is to stop or lessen the pain impulse signal to the brain by using one of the devices. One area almost always is more painful for the patient than the other pain area. Because the sensory input of pain is higher in one area it becomes necessary to override that area with a higher intensity since the input to the patient's brain is stronger.

   When any device limits the ability to treat two separate distinct areas then the patient is often stuck with only partial relief, or no relief at all. If there is only one amplitude adjustment, but it actually controls the output of both areas, then one area will not get the stimulus necessary to overcome the pain impulses. What is comfortable and tolerable for one area is hardly felt in the next painful area.

   In basically all tens type treatments the basic process of overriding the pain impulses must occur in specifically the areas where pain is felt. To be successful a well engineered unit will provide the amplitude control, as well as the ability to isolate treatments to more than one area. When this is done success is much easier for the patient, clinician and physician to successfully treat the chronic pain patient at home without drugs.


Enjoy this video on which mode to choose on Infrex Plus for pain relief, tens or interferential. 

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